Whether you need to assess damage on pipes, tanks, vessels, valves, bridges, trains, planes, or any other assets, LASMO has you covered.
LASMO has the capability to do 3D imaging inspections to further assist in outage planning or RBI programs. 3D imaging enables complete assessment of assets and infrastructure damage, and we produce damage reports that are compliant with industry standard recommendations. By using intelligent algorithms, we can accurately determine metal loss and mechanical damage. Oil and Gas industry assessments produce reports that comply with requirements for ASME B31G, RSTRENG, ASME B31.8, ASME B31.4, API 579, and other assessment methods. We also offer bridge inspection and aerospace damage assessment.
Our 3D imaging system has an ingress protection level of 67 (IP67) and can be dropped in water and mud or taken out into the Victorian winter or the Outback summer and continue taking high quality 3D images. High speed image acquisition ensures quality data every time. High accuracy is achieved through patented 3D imaging technology.
The LASMO 3D imaging system is a highly portable and rugged system ideally suited to on-site imaging.