Failure Analyses

Failure Analyses

Laser ablation is commonly used for fault analysis in materials science and engineering. There are several methods of laser ablation used for fault analysis, including laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), and laser microprobe mass spectrometry (LAMMA). These techniques are used to identify defects or impurities that may be causing a failure in a material or structure, allowing researchers to improve the reliability and durability of technologies.

Overall, laser ablation is a powerful tool for fault analysis, allowing materials scientists, engineers, and other researchers to identify and analyse defects and failures in materials and structures. By understanding the causes of these defects and failures, researchers can work to develop new materials and structures that are more reliable and longer-lasting, ultimately leading to more robust and efficient technologies.

The technique offers safety and environmental advantages as there are no acids used in digestion, and it is fast and repeatable.

Failure Analysis
Failure Analysis
Failure Analysis
Failure Analysis

Laser Cleaning Solutions

that work

Useful on any substrate and commonly used within residential, manufacturing, and industrial sectors.
We are a valued supplier of laser ablation and asset services to the oil and gas industry.
Tube inspection from the planning stage through to the execution and report finalisation exercise.
Ideally suited to facilitate metallurgical investigation and is commonly used to remove contamination and corrosion
Removal of thick coatings to enable accurate NDT inspections and removal of contaminants to improve weld quality .
Same day turnaround time com[pared to conventional cleaning methods saving you time & money.
Laser ablation of welds & internal structures inside reactors, vessels, tanks, turbine housing, ships, tunnels & other structures.
High accuracy 3D imaging enables complete assessment of assets and infrastructure damage
Hard surfaces within the confines of the hulls can be cleaned without any risk of contaminating adjacent equipment or instrument panels.